Access Database Engine

For exporting data to Microsoft Access 2007 or later, the Access Database Engine must be installed. You may run into the following error if you attempt to export ACCDB files from Exult or Swift without these components installed.

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

Microsoft Office 2007 or later installed?

If so, you do not need to install the Access Database Engine since it is already included with Microsoft Access.

32-bit or 64-bit ?Should you install the 32-bit or the 64-bit version of the Access Database Engine?

32-bit version only.
Exult XML Converter and Swift XML Converter are both available as 32-bit executables. While you will not have any problem running them on 64-bit systems, you should always install the 32-bit versions of the Access Database drivers.

Version of Office/Access Download from
Office 2007 Download the 32-bit version of Access database engine for Office 2007 from the link below.
Access Database Engine 2007
Office 2010 Download Access database engine for Office 2010 from the following link. The download includes drivers in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. For use with Exult and Swift, please install the 32-bit version only.
Access Database Engine 2010
Office 2013 Download Access database engine for Office 2013 (also called Microsoft Access 2013 Runtime) from the following link. The download includes drivers in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. For use with Exult and Swift, please install the 32-bit version only.
Access Database Runtime 2013
Office 2016 Download Access database engine for Office 2016 (also called Microsoft Access 2016 Runtime) from the following link. The download includes drivers in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. For use with Exult and Swift, please install the 32-bit version only.
Access Database Runtime 2016

Argon DataViz

Create Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts from Large Datasets.

Swift XML Converter

Query & extract XML data into Microsoft Excel (XLS), Microsoft Access (MDB or ACCDB), or CSV.

Exult Standard

Convert XML into Microsoft Excel (XLS), Microsoft Access (MDB or ACCDB), or CSV.

Exult SQL Server

Shred and import XML into SQL Server.

Exult MySQL

Import XML data into automatically created MySQL tables.

Exult Oracle

Import XML into Oracle.