Convert XML data from a Web URL into Excel
This example shows you how to import XML data from a web source and convert it into a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (XLS).
Exult supports importing XML from web URLs directly into the
software without requiring a separate download step. The web URLs can
be simple HTTP URLs or secure HTTPS URLs. When an XML
data vendor supplies XML URLs for direct consumption you may need to
include authentication information directly into the URL and the
vendor may require that SSL be used. The XML data is downloaded to a
local file and processed to import the data. Check out the procedure
below to see how easy it is to import XML data into Microsoft Excel.
- Start up Exult and click Next on the opening screen.
- The XML Import screen. Since we are importing XML from a web URL,
click "URL" to enter the URL.
- Here is where we enter the URL. Type in the URL or copy and paste it from
another application. Click the "Download" button to download the URL
to a local file. Repeat this procedure to add multiple XML file URLs
and click "Finish" when done.
- Back to the XML file selection screen. Click Next to being
processing the XML file(s). This screen shows the progress of
importing the XML file. You could click Cancel at any time to abort
the processing. Depending on the size of the XML the import could
take some time. Note that even large XML files are imported without
running into memory problems. This is because all the data is not
held in memory at any time. Once the import is completed, click Next to
browse the imported data.
- The Data Preview Screen shows the table hierarchy in the top pane
and the data for the currently selected table in the bottom
pane. The hierarchy of tables mirrors the structure of the
XML. Clicking a table in the top pane shows the data in the bottom
pane. To merge one or more tables, select the tables and click
"Merge". The merge is performed with proper linking of parent and
child data rows. Select the tables to be exported to Excel and click
- Selecting Output Type: Select the type of output required for
exporting the XML data. Supported types are: Excel(XLS),
Access(ACCDB or MDB), CSV or HTML. For this example we are exporting
the data to Microsoft Excel.
- Here we select the location where the output file is to be
created. Click Browse to select the location in case the default is
not acceptable. Click Next to begin the output process.
- Next the progress of saving the output file is shown. Depending on
the size of the data being exported, the output could take some
time. Once the process is completed, click Next to continue.
- And that is all there is to it. Click Finish to view the exported
data in Microsoft Excel.
Create Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts from Large Datasets.
Query & extract XML data into Microsoft Excel
(XLS), Microsoft Access (MDB or ACCDB), or CSV.
Convert XML into Microsoft Excel (XLS), Microsoft Access (MDB or
Shred and import XML into SQL Server.
Import XML data into automatically created MySQL