Convert XML file to Excel from the Command Line

The Exult XML Conversion wizard includes a command-line program which can be used for batch conversions. While the Wizard interface is very useful for interactive conversion, the command line can be used for automated (batch or scheduled) conversions.

The command line program companion to the Exult XML Conversion Wizard is called Exultcmd.exe and should be installed in the same directory as Exult.exe. The examples below describe several usage scenarios.

Click here for the complete usage syntax.

The following examples all assume that Exultcmd.exe is present in the PATH. If not, please substitute the location of the program (by default, C:\Program Files\Novixys Software\Exult 2.5\Exultcmd.exe, but maybe different on your computer depending on where you chose to install it).

Convert XML File to Excel:
Merge all the XML files in a directory into a database and extract as an Excel spreadsheet (XLS). The location of the output Excel spreadsheet is specified using the -f option. In this example, any existing output files will not be overwritten.
Exultcmd.exe -t XLS -f Example1.xls C:\XMLFiles\*.xml
Convert XML files matching the pattern a*.xml to a Microsoft Access database (MDB):
The -t <Type> option is used to specify the output format. Here, -t MDB selects MS Access MDB output.
  Exultcmd.exe -t MDB -f Example2.mdb C:\XMLFiles\a*.xml
Extract each table from an XML file to a separate CSV file:
Use the -d <Dir> option to request that output files be written to a specified directory. The -d <Dir> option can only be used with CSV or TEXT output.
Exultcmd.exe -t CSV -d C:\Output\Dir\ C:\XMLFiles\*.xml
Output written to a single file, both files specified with full path:
When requesting output to a single file as shown here, a single input file must be specified. If a pattern is specified for the input file, it should evaluate to a single file. Of course, the path can be relative or absolute as shown here:
  Exultcmd.exe -t CSV -f C:\Output\A.csv C:\Input\A.xml 
Convert files in multiple locations at once:
This example shows how to convert multiple XML files in different directories with the output written to a single Excel spreadsheet.
  Exultcmd.exe -t XLS -f Example7.xls C:\First\Path\To\XML\*.xml C:\Second\Path\To\XML\*.xml
Overwrite existing output files
To overwrite existing files, use the -w option as shown here.
  Exultcmd.exe -t MDB -w -f Example8.mdb C:\Data\*.xml

Click here for the complete usage syntax.

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Swift XML Converter

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Exult Standard

Convert XML into Microsoft Excel (XLS), Microsoft Access (MDB or ACCDB), or CSV.

Exult SQL Server

Shred and import XML into SQL Server.

Exult MySQL

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Exult Oracle

Import XML into Oracle.